As usual, my kids are incapable of taking 'normal' photos with the Sidors. This is the best we got! They took the girls to see The Muppet movie, which was a hit. Olivia sat through the whole thing on Aunt Ruth's lap. Both clutched their tickets tightly during the show, well at least until Olivia ate hers. No joke. That next day all of us gathered at our place for hanging out and decorating Christmas cookies and Zacharys. Olivia is sporting her new Elmo pjs from the Wilsons below. We spent the next several days either in Novato or Concord and really had a blessed time together as a family celebrating Jesus' birth.

Abigail excited to see Christmas lights.

Auntie Ruth and Uncle Adam had a great time with our Nieces! Abigail really did look that excited all night before seeing the lights!