The girls listening to some tunes before our trip to Novato.
We spent the day in Novato with the gparents, my mom (dad was still overseas), Aunt Gail, and Uncle Ben. We watched football and the parade, played outside in the great weather, and enjoyed a yummy meal. Abigail wanted to make decorations for the table and so we traced out leaves and colored them. She then made everyone name tags with masking tape, like they do at our nursery at church, and we all had to wear them. That's what the tape on Jeremy and Abigail is for. She was a real ham at the dinner table, cracking us all up with the games she invented. We played a funny version of Simon Says, which Grandad won, and then we had to guess what she was thinking (no clues or hints...it was 'cow jumped over the moon'). Aunt Gail won that one after some help from Abigail. Olivia slept through the meal, which was actually nice since it allowed me to eat :) Just before we left, Olivia did manage to eat a couple handfuls of caffeinated coffee grounds from the trash can. They actually slept in the next day, so maybe she can have that every night!
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