Last Friday Olivia had her two week checkup and weighed in at 9 pounds 2 ounces. After Abigail, who was always in the 5%, it is sort of strange to have one that is in the 80% for weight and 97% for height. I am hoping that she continues to gain weight well over the next few months so that we can skip all of the drama that we went through with Abigail at three months!
I have been so thankful for help over these past few weeks. We had a week of meals from our Sunday School class, Jeremy's mom came for a week, and now my mom is here for a month. My sisters also visited this weekend
with their boyfriends and we have had lots of great family times together. I am feeling pretty good and getting naps most days, which has been a blessing, and Olivia is doing 4-5 hour stretches at night. Abigail is doing okay in her new role. I do have to watch out for her because she will be really gentle and sweet to the baby, but then all of a sudden gets too rough. This morning we had to do some discussion on why it wasn't a good choice to bite the baby's leg. It wasn't a hard bite, I think she was just testing boundaries, but a little scary nonetheless.
Hey where are the photos of the sister:-) Only kidding! Thanks for the update and see you tomorrow!