In other news, I had my 28 week checkup today and everything seems fine. I was glad that I had only gained three pounds this time, instead of the ten that I gained last month, and Abigail did great as usual at the doctor's office. We met Jeremy for lunch and tried to stay dry during our errands. Us spoiled Californians don't know what to do with all of the rain we have been getting :)
Abigail and I also had our first real conversation together on the way to the doctor about what being homeless is like. I am not sure what she really understood but it was a good reminder to me that she doesn't miss anything. She had noticed the man standing at the street corner with a sign and promptly asked about him. I always have to be on my toes around this girl!
What a cute room! Your conversation with her reminds me of Laura's with nephew David along the same line. They certainly DON'T miss anything!