Bowling with the kids last month. Wilsons and Nani in attendance. Not only bumpers, but they rigged up this ramp for the kids to roll the balls down too. Lets just say that Abigail beat me. Caraline was more than happy to walk around with Nani. Place was so empty on a Saturday morning. Then, we all headed over to the park for a bit and ended up at Black Bear Diner for lunch. The latter was a huge hit due to large portions, ice cream, and then balloons.
Ready to Swim |
Another treat was spending a few days in Tahoe with our Indiana friends the Stanleys. They graciously allowed us to hang out with them in their suite at the Heavenly Grand Residences (very fancy) complete with pool and three TVs in the room. Actually we were all too busy having fun outside to watch TV, although we did have a movie night were Godzilla was on the ticket. Abigail and Jeremy skied for a day, while Olivia and I skied. Caraline got to spend the time with her Nani, Papa, Aunt Diane, and two great grandparents, so she was well taken care of. The second day, I took the girls sledding while the boys all skied. You might notice there wasn't much extra snow on the ground. There was a guy driving around in a gator that was collecting snow from the surrounding neighborhood and transporting it to the sledding area. We spent much of the afternoon at the pool. It was a really fun trip and so thankful we could do it!
Grady and Abs |
Just enough snow to go. |
Olivia fell sleep on day mid-stickering her body. |
We had a lovely Easter. Spent the morning enjoying our church service, then off to Novato to enjoy some egg finding (compliments of Aunt Diane), hiking, and yummy steak dinner. The girls were pleasantly surprised with huge chocolate bunnies from Auntie as well. She was a big hit.
Sort of good family photo - love the look on Abigail. |