Caraline is 6 months old now! We have started her on rice cereal and tried a few days of peas. She is still a very happy baby and loves interacting with her sisters. She is sleeping great and we love her!
One of probably 10 outfits that Olivia went through one Saturday. Most of them involved some configuration of bathing suits, usually Abigails. At one point it was just a firefighters hat and panties. (yes she is pretty much potty trained - she decided about two weeks ago that she had enough of diapers and is doing great)
Olivia eating chocolate pudding in Novato.

One of the joys of home ownership is that our sewer backs up semi frequently due to the combo of old clay pipes and roots in our front yard. This particular night Jeremy was up until midnight fixing the problem. Well, the girls needed a bath before bed so I decided to fill their kiddie pool with bubble bath and they had a ball in the suds. A complete success. I threatened to wash dishes in the pool too but Jeremy made me wait until later.