Here's a photo of Caraline on her 2 month birthday.
Fun with our friend Ashton and Olivia with a few extra stickers on her face compliments of Abigail.

It finally warmed up enough for the girls the swim. They had a blast.

Bangladesh jammies. Abigail pretended like she was doing karate in them, which she calls doing Pilates. Then a photo of us girls with our slings and babies about to go on a walk.

Walk for Life 2011. The girls all had a blast and Abigail walked the whole 2 miles on her own!

Olivia was quite pleased we gave her a burger and Sprite, which she clutched tightly to her body most of the afternoon.

Some pre-birthday celebrations with daddy. Can't believe that Olivia is 2! Then, pink doughnuts on the special day. We have the party next Saturday. I am hoping to be able to make Elmo cupcakes.

Some classic Olivia smiles and outfits.