I was just looking through our photos and realized we didn't take one in January. We weren't that busy but I think in my late pregnant state I am hesitant to bust out the camera because then it reminds Jeremy that he wants to take pictures of my 'progress'. Let's just say that daily someone will comment on my girth, usually aghast when I tell them there's only one in there and its a girl (i carry low so most old ladies think its a boy). Someone told me two days ago that the baby was going to just fall right out. At this point I almost wish that would happen, but I am trying to wait patiently :)
Here's a photo of the girls before we took advantage of a free babysitting drop-off the high schoolers at church did over Valentines Day weekend. Both girls had a blast and stayed up way too late. Olivia thought it was particularly terrific to be able to run around the church courtyard at 9pm in her jammies, pink fake crocs, and princess backpack. Both were a little grumpy at church the next morning but it was nice to get out with Jeremy. We went to our favorite place for pizza, Zacharys and met some friends from Pleasanton we don't get to see very often. Note Olivias very ladylike pose with her hands in her pants. She is still obsessed with taking off her diaper at various times (luckily its only happened when she has been wet), putting on Abigails or my undies over her pants and talking about about going potty. She cries when we actually do, but we will be trying for sure this summer. We had fondue with the girls on Valentines night. Jeremy got each of the girls a balloon for the occasion, which was a HUGE hit. It really doesn't take much to make them happy.
In other news, we switched the girls into their bunkbeds with mixed success. The first night was a wash, with them giggling and singing Jingle Bells until 9pm at which point we moved Olivia to the crib and then she cried herself to sleep. The next night both girls managed to fall off the ladder at some point. Olivia is not allowed to go up to visit Abigail but we think the night light was giving off too much light and the temptation was too much. Olivia must not have made it very far because she didn't seem that hurt. Later on we heard a 2nd thud and found Abigail at the bottom. We are so thankful there were no serious injuries. Abigail got the wind knocked out of her but didn't hit her head on the way down and was able to recover after a bit. Had a few good nights and then Olivia had another rough start last night and we put her in the pack n play until she fell asleep and then transferred her, which seems to work well.
We are hoping that Caraline (still don't know her middle name) Smith comes by her due date (March 2nd) and really can't wait to meet her. Olivia and Abigail like talking/yelling at her through my tummy so who knows what she will think of her big sisters when she comes out!