One might ask what in the world is Jeremy doing. Well, it should be fairly obvious....the red bouncy ball that I found by the side of the road for free and adopted as a backyard toy is also used by Jeremy as a method of toddler amazement as he throws it up in the air as high as it can go and then they all watch it fall. Unfortunately, this time it was thrown a little too high and ended up in the top of our tall pine tree. Jeremy was using the hose to try and blast it down, rather unsuccessfully. However, it continued to provide toddler amusement as the kids thought this was the greatest water adventure since the kiddie pool was invented. They quickly discarded clothes and were screaming around the yard like natives. Who even knows what the neighbors thought, but the mommies were entertained by this spectacle as well.

Abigail is into her
Megablocks and this was a recent creation. There was a fort, playground, climbing wall, and swimming pool that My Little Ponies, Dora and Diego were enjoying.
Abigail also has claimed that Olivia said 'taco' the other night. She
definitely says 'uh oh' but
that's about it - don't know about taco. Olivia is also fairly obsessed with strawberries and watermelon and if they happen to be out and she sees them she starts pointing and making distressed grunting noises until she gets some. I think she ate three pieces of watermelon the other night at dinner.
Today Abigail was guessing where Daddy was at the moment, she guessed that he was out dancing. Well, I doubt that but he was helping some friends move. We are having a typical Saturday here, with a move for Jeremy to help with and a baby shower for me to attend. That's what you get for loving a church that has a
sunday school of 30+ couples all having kids at the same time. Actually I love baby showers as they are a chance to celebrate the miracle of new life, spend some time in prayer with other ladies and catch up on life while eating really good food.
Olivia with her walker. She insists this is the best way to carry her baby around as well - looks a little unsafe.