Sunday, August 30, 2009
Cows on Vacation
On our way to church this morning Abigail asked me where the cows were that we normally see in the open space we go through and I jokingly said that they were on vacation. She told me that cows can't go on vacation because cows eat grass and there is only people food on the airplanes. So true, so true :)
Also, just wanted to report that Olivia has officially rolled over on her own from her back to her tummy!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
We had a fun day last Saturday at Stinson Beach. As you can tell, the pink coat made another appearance but this one was actually warranted. We didn't see the sun the whole time we were there, but Abigail had a blast anyways. Those without wetsuits didn't make it all of the way in the water, but had a fun time splashing in the waves. A few weeks ago this same beach was closed due to great white sightings so we were happy to see some seals playing in the waves along with us.
After the beach, we headed to Novato to visit the great grandparents and we got a nice photo of great grandma and Olivia together. And then there's another photo of Olivia just for fun. Thanks for the cute outfit Aunt Pam!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Redwood City
We spent the day visiting with family in Redwood City. Abigail loved seeing her Ma Ma and it was fun to show Olivia off. You might notice that Abigail got a new bike (thanks garage sale Philips) that we had to bring. She has ridden into hedges and has some scraped knees (and this is with training wheels) but seems to enjoy the freedom.
New Coat
This fluffy pink coat came in a bag of hand me downs from our clothing benefactor Lindsey/Lauren (sisters that Abigail pronounces as one word). It has been a staple of our wardrobe for the past two days, despite the fact that it's 90 degrees outside!
Also, a few days ago Abigail proudly announced to me while I was wiping her that she made her #2 (which she just flushed down the toilet) into the letter A. The child is brilliant!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Oakland Zoo
This past Saturday was member's night at the zoo and it's always a fun night. Abigail was most impressed with being able to touch a tenric and even got up the nerve to ride the roller coaster with Daddy. She has been talking about this for months but always decides not to at the last minute. This time we kind of made her go and she was nervous while waiting in line, but loved it after she was done. The look on her face, see photo below, was priceless. I should note that Jeremy doesn't normally look this crazy!

Olivia Laughing
Took this one while at the zoo. The screaming in the background is of the roller coaster, which Abigail rode! I will post pictures later.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Funny Sayings and the Water Park
We went to the Antioch Water Park last week. Abigail had a blast, Olivia was an angel and spent most of the day sleeping, and the fudge bar at the end of the day was a huge hit (and mess). It was Sports Day there and the website said that if you wore a team jersey that you could get $2 off admission. I am always a sucker for a deal, but didn't have any jerseys. So, Abigail and I sported a Bangladesh cricket shirt and Route 66/Winston shirt that Aunt Gail got us from overseas. We got our discount! It was a beautiful day to be at the pool. I had some other friends there that helped watch Abigail while I fed Olivia, which was a huge help. We were in the car about two minutes heading home when Abigail asked to go back to the water park the next day. I included a video of her going down one of the slides at the end of this posting.
The next morning Abigail was telling me about some of the kids who were throwing rocks the evening before, and I quote, "Zoe, Preston, and Bobby were having troubles, but I was really great, I didn't do anything bad". Really I doubt that but it was really funny the way she phrased her view of the events.
We have good friends from church that live 10 houses down from us. Last night they invited us over to watch a movie outside on their homemade big screen. We decided to try it with both kids. Olivia slept the whole time on my chest. Mike had set up a tent in the backyard and the idea was that Vincent and Abigail could play in there while we watched the movie 17 Again. Abigail ended up watching more of the movie than I would have thought, so I don't know that we are going to be doing that again. However, she was most impressed with the evening and announced, after reminding me that Daddy got her popcorn three times!, that she liked camping. Well I don't know if it was camping but they did have fun giggling in the tent together.
Last Wednesday I watched Vincent and Abigail for a little bit while his mom had a doctor's appointment. It was warm so I let the kids play in the sprinkler for an hour or so. Vincent has decided he prefers Speedos and had on the smallest Spiderman Speedo that I have ever seen. It was adorable and hilarious. At one point I went in to check on Olivia and came back out to Abigail laughing loudly at a totally naked Vincent throwing his tiny Speedo around the yard. What must our neighbors think! It only came back on after I threatened that he would have to come inside.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Here are some photos from the beginning of this month. The below is of Olivia in her cute dress that I made. I was inspired by this website. The dress is actually fairly easy to make and makes a great gift.
This past Thursday was Olivia's first outing to the zoo. She did great, as usual, and Abigail and her buddies had a blast. The last time I was there I was eight months pregnant, so it felt good to walk around without feeling winded all of the time. We all ended up on the train at the end, another first for Olivia.
The girls were so tired from the zoo that they both feel asleep in the stroller during our run that evening.
Here's a great shot of Olivia's double chin!
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