Lately I have been pondering all of the seemingly crazy things that Abigail asks or does. Sometimes there seems to be some explanation and other times they come from the depths of her three year old mind.
For example, when she was staying with my folks in December she told her Nani that there was a naked boy in the bathroom and they had to throw
washcloths at him to make him go away.
For the past few weeks we have been struggling with nap times. Abigail has decided she doesn't need them anymore, but her pregnant mother still does. So, twice this past week while I was asleep in my room, and thinking she was at least reading books in hers, she let herself outside. The first time she was really proud to show me the place that she peed on the concrete and the second time I found her swinging in our swing (this is scary since it is probably 2-3 feet off the concrete ground and the plastic chair she had used to get up there had fallen down at some point). We have since had some rather serious talks about where she can and can't be during naps, and I am very thankful for God's protection!
She loves running around the house after
bath time naked. Tonight she hid in the curtains for a while and then made her daddy chase her around the house and into bed. We certainly didn't teach her this game by example!
She likes to show her baby sister things she's doing. This afternoon we were in the sandbox and she made a slide for baby in the sand. When she was ready she pretended to take baby out of my stomach and hold her in her lap down the slide. When she was done, baby went back in. She has done this several other times - it is really sweet to see how she wants the baby to be involved in her life already.
She pretends our metal napkin holder is a camera. Today she was taking pictures of me and I had to stand sideways and point to my stomach so that she could include the baby as well.
These are just a few that I can think of this evening....